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初三年级英语复习 重点句型和短语


  1 as soon as 立刻,一……就……

  2 as…as 和……一样

  3 as…as possible 尽可能……

  4 ask sb. for sth. 请求某人做某事

  5 ask/tell sb. (how) to do sth.

  6 ask/tell sb. (not) to do sth.

  7 be afraid of doing/that

  8 be busy doing sth.

  9 be famous/late/ready/sorry for…

  10 be glad that

  11 buy/give/show/bring/lend/send/pass/tell…sth. to sb.

  12 buy/give/show/bring/lend/send/pass/tell sb. sth.

  13 either…or

  14 enjoy/hate/like/finish/stop/mind/keep/go on doing sth.

  15 find it + adj to do sth.

  16 get + 比较级

  17 get ready for/get sth. ready

  18 had better (not) do sth.

  19 help sb. (to) do/help sb.with

  20 I don't think that

  21 I would like to do /Would you like to do…?

  22 is one of the + 最高级 + n(pl.)…

  23 It is +adj.(for sb. )to do sth.

  24 It is a good idea to do sth.

  25 It is the second + 最高级 +n.

  26 It looks like …/It sounds like …

  27 It seems to sb. that…

  28 It sounds +adj. /It looks +adj.

  29 It takes sb some time. to do sth.

  30 It's bad/good for…

  31 It's time for…/to do sth.

  32 It's two meters (years) long (high, old).

  33 keep sb. doing

  34 keep/make sth. +adj.

  35 like to do / like doing

  36 make / let sb.(not) do sth.

  37 neither…nor 即不……也不

  38 not…at all

  39 not…until 直到…… 才

  40 One…the other…/Some… others…

  41 prefer…to 比……更喜欢……

  42 see/hear sb. do(doing) sth.

  43 so…that

  44 spend…on /(in) doing sth.

  45 stop to do /stop doing

  46 such a +adj. +n. that…

  47 take/bring sth with sb.

  48 thank sb for sth.

  49 The more…the better

  50 There is sth. wrong with…

  51 too…to

  52 so…that…

  53 What about /How about(doing)sth…?

  54 What's the matter( with…)?

  55 What's wrong (with…)?

  56 Why not do sth…? =Why don't you do?

  57 Will (would, could) you please do sth…?

  58. be good at (doing) sth = do well in (doing) sth

初三年级英语复习 语言的运用

  1.许多学生想要得到一些提高英语的建议。(ask for,about)

  2.看英语电影是学英语的一种好方法。(a good way, watch English films)

  3.不要害羞,尽量去大声地说。(shy, try to, speak loudly)

  4.请把这些纸放在你的`书包里。(place…in, pieces of paper)

  5.你应该通过深呼吸来放松自己。(relax by, take a deep breath)

  6.请把这篇文章翻译成汉语。(translate…into, the passage, Chinese)

  7.请改正你笔记上的错误。(correct, mistake, notebook)

  8.你对语法感兴趣吗?(be interested in, grammar)

  9.本学期让我们相互帮助、相互学习。(this term, help each other, learn from )

  10.你能写下一些学英语的建议吗?(write down, advice, about )

  初三年级英语复习 词汇特训

初三年级英语复习 词汇特训

  1. Can I leave a ______(消息) for your mum?

  2. At first she took a deep ______(呼吸), and then jumped into the river.

  3. Mike, can you finish the work by ______(你自己)?

  4. I _______(放置) the bottle in a secret place just now.

  5. Who can ______(猜测) the name of the book? Please tell me.

  6. Please _____(改正) your mistakes in your notebook.

  7. Can you _____ (翻译) these sentences into English?

  8. My teacher gave me some _____ (建议) about learning English.

  9. You must pay attention to your _____ (发音).

  10. Did you hear their _____ (谈话)?

初三年级英语复习 单项选择特训

  ( )1. Linda, your answer is wrong. Who can give me a ________ answer?

  A. basic B. deep C. slow D. correct

  ( )2. I'd like to say thanks to Tony because he often helps me ______ my English.

  A. for B. with C. at D. on

  ( )3. Can you give me some ______ on learning Chinese?

  A. advice B. marks C. wishes D. paper

  ( )4. My English teacher asked me to _______ the English words with the pictures.

  A. say B. match C. speak D. draw

  ( )5. I want to _______ your English book. Mine is lost.

  A. forget B. sell C. choose D. borrow

  ( )6. Sally often ______ at me. I think she is friendly and I like to play with her.

  A. smiles B. shouts C. hears D. remembers

  ( )7. Please _________ your name and address on a piece of paper.

  A. put down B. get down C. write down D. sit down

  ( )8. I'm not good at English grammar. I often make some grammar _______ in English exams.

  A. marks B. mistakes C. newspapers D. group

  ( )9. The girl is very _____. She doesn't like to speak to anyone.

  A. low B. shy C. friendly D. tall

  ( )10. -What do you often do in the evening?

  -I often ______ emails to my pen friends.

  A. send B. hear C. borrow D. repeat

  ( )11. It's a good idea ______ English in the morning every day.

  A. look B. to look C. read D. to read

  ( )12. There ______ a football match on TV tomorrow morning.

  A. is going to have B. will have

  C. is going to be D. was going to be

  ( )13. -Did you go to the cinema yesterday?

  -_______. But I went to see my aunt with my father.

  A. Yes, I did B. No, I didn't C. No, I have D. Yes, I do

  ( )14. -Next week my parents and I are going to Hong Kong for travelling.


  A. Enjoy yourselves B. I'm fine, thank you

  C. You're welcome D. I'm very sorry

  ( )15. -Why don't you go to spend Spring Festival with me?


  A. I am English B. I don't like it

  C. I like it very much D. That's a good idea

初三年级英语复习 Unit 3 Language in use.

  1. say hello(goodbye) to向某人问好 | 道别:

  My grandparents are here. Let's say hello to them.


  2. play football/sing/dance together 一起踢足球 | 唱歌、跳舞

  3. leave sth.+地点意为"把某物忘在某地" | 注意:不用动词forget:

  Sorry, I left my notebook at home.很抱歉,我把笔记本忘在家里了。

  4.get good/bad marks取得好 | 坏分数

  Everyone would like to get good marks.人人都希望取得好成绩。

  初三年级英语复习 Unit 2 Please help me!

初三年级英语复习 Unit 2.Please help me!

  1. the best way to learn English学英语的最佳方式

  2. enjoy oneself=have a good time=have fun玩得高兴

  Oneself是反身代词,"某人自己",具体可分为八个单词:单数 | myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself复数(ourselves, yourselves, themselves)如:

  We had a good time in the park. =We enjoyed ourselves in the park. =We had fun in the park. 我们在公园里玩得很高兴。

  She had fun. =She had a good time. =She enjoyed herself. 她玩得很高兴。

  3. speak to…对……说话:

  Don't speak to me now. I'm doing my homework. 现在不要和我说话,我正做作业。

  4. take a deep breath深呼吸

  You should take a deep breath and smile. 你应该深呼吸且微笑。

  5. all the time总是,一直:

  My mother made me learn English all the time. 我妈妈一直让我学英语。

  6. Best wishes to you! 良好的祝愿

  7. be good at=do well in擅长于:

  She is good at dancing.= She does well in dancing. 她擅长于跳舞。
