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  My Summer Vacation我的暑假


  Summertime is the best time of the year. There is no school for months and I get to do what I want. With no tests and no homework, I'm as free as a bird.

  夏季是一年中最好的时光。 | 几个月不用去学校并且我可以做自己想做的事。没有考试、没有作业,我自由地像只小鸟。

  I do many things during the summer vacation. I relax by reading books and watching TV. I also hang out with my friends or travel with my family. However, I don't only play in summer. I take advantage of the free time to learn more. For example, last summer I learned to swim. This summer I might study computers or English. Summer vacation flies by fast, so it's important to do as much as you can.

  暑假期间,我可以做很多事。我通过阅读与看电视放松自己。我也常常与朋友一起打发时间或者与家人一起去旅游。可是,暑假期间,我并不只是游玩。我充分利用闲暇时间去学习更多的 | 知识。举例来说,去年暑假,我就学习游泳。这个暑假,我可能会学习计算机或英语 | 知识。暑期过得很快,所以,对于你而言,应该尽可能做更多的事。
