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  I don’t want to play ______ tennis now. Let’s play ______ chess.

  A. 不填; 不填 B. the; the C. 不填; the

  —Are you good ______ your students

  —Yes, I like them and I always help them ______ English.

  A. with; in B. with; with C. at; with

  It usually takes me half an hour ______ my math homework.

  A. finishing B. finish C. to finish

  The cake ______ good. I like it very much.

  A. tastes B. looks C. sounds

  Three ______ students in our school go to school by bike every day.

  A. hundreds and seven B. hundred and seven C. hundreds of seven

  I ______ eat hamburgers for lunch. I don’t think they are healthy food.

  A. sometimes B. never C. always

  Bob always does well in his work so it’s easy for him ______ a new job.

  A. find B. to find C. finding

  Either you ______ Lily ______ Mom make the bread.

  A. and; help B. or; help C. or; helps

  —What ______ you do, Lucy

  —I can dance and sing.

  A. can B. do C. are

  —______ is it from our school to that village

  —It’s about 10 kilometers.

  A. How long B. How far C. How much


  A: Mark, when do you usually get up

  B: 1.

  A: Wow, that’s early. 2.

  B: No, I usually play the piano for an hour.

  A: 3.

  B: Yes. I go to the club two times a week.

  A: When do you go to the piano club

  B: 4.

  A: How do you go there

  B: 5.

  A. By bike.

  B. I usually get up at 5:30.

  C. Are you in the piano club

  D. Do you usually exercise in the morning

  E. Every Wednesday and Friday afternoon.

  A. By bike.

  B. I usually get up at 5:30.

  C. Are you in the piano club

  D. Do you usually exercise in the morning

  E. Every Wednesday and Friday afternoon.


  There will be a talent (才艺) show next Sunday. Everyone is ____ except (除了) Tom. He can’t play the piano, the drums or the guitar. And he is not good ___ singing or dancing.

  “Hey, Tom. _____ do you want to do in the show ” asks Peter. “Well, I don’t have any talent,” Tom says. “Come on, Tom. We all ___ your stories. You can tell us Chinese stories,” says Peter. “Really I think it is ____ to tell a story in the show,” says Tom. “No, your stories are always fun,” Peter says. “Thank you, Peter. I know what I can do,” Tom says.

  1.A. happy B. healthy C. free

  2.A. at B. for C. with

  3.A. When B. Where C. What

  4.A. tell B. like C. make

  5.A. useful B. difficult C. boring

  Paul is a host (主持人) of WABC Radio Station. Many boys and girls _____ him. Some of them often _____ him and thank him for his interesting _____, so there are lots of e-mails for him every week.

  Paul gets up at 6:40 every morning. He does ______. He likes to play basketball. After that he has breakfast. He usually doesn’t have a ____ breakfast. He only has an egg and some milk. He usually_____ home at 7:30 and he gets to his office (办公室) at 7:50.

  The show begins at 8:20. Paul’s _____ is to play new songs and _____ listeners | 听众. Paul _____ his work at 10:30 and then goes back home by car. It usually takes him twenty minutes to _____ home. He likes to read books in the afternoon and he goes to bed early in the evening.

  1.A. like B. watch C. need

  2.A. call B. write C. e-mail

  3.A. game B. class C. show

  4.A. sports B. homework C. kungfu

  5.A. free B. healthy C. big

  6.A. rides B. cleans C. leaves

  7.A. job B. friend C. subject

  8.A. meet B. help C. take

  9.A. gets B. finishes C. loves

  10.A. ride B. walk C. drive



  Computer Club

  You can do lots of cool things and play games on the computer in our club.

  Mr. Smith and Miss Dean are your teachers.

  Open Time (开放时间): Tuesday and Thursday, from 3:15 p.m. to 4:15 p.m.

  Place: Computer Room 305

  Movie Fan (影迷) Club

  Do you enjoy seeing movies

  Do you want to share (分享) the fun with others

  Open Time: From Monday to Thursday, from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

  Place: School Hall

  Running Club

  Students do some running in the club, even (甚至) in winter.

  Open Time: Monday, from 4:30 p.m. to 5:15 p.m.

  Place: School Gym

  1.There are two teachers in the Computer Club.

  2.Students can play computer games in the Computer Club.

  3.The Movie Fan Club is open on weekends.

  4.Students of the Running Club don’t run in winter.

  5.The Running Club is open for the longest (最长的) time in one day.


  Every day, Joan gets up early at six. Then she washes her face and brushes her teeth. After doing morning exercises, she reads English for 30 minutes and then has breakfast. She usually has some bread, an egg and a glass of milk.

  At seven o’clock, Joan takes her schoolbag and goes to school. Her school is far from her home. She has to transfer (换乘) two buses to the school, and on her way, she likes listening to songs.

  After Joan gets to school, she is ready for classes. The first class begins at eight. She has five classes in the morning and three more in the afternoon. She has lunch at school. English is her favorite subject. After school finishes, she goes home with her friends.

  Joan sometimes helps her mother cook dinner and sometimes watches TV in the evening. After dinner, she does her homework. She always finishes it by nine and then takes a shower. She goes to bed at ten. That’s the daily life of Joan. It’s busy but she is happy.

  1.How long does Joan read English

  A. For twenty minutes. B. For half an hour. C. For forty minutes.

  2.How does Joan go to school

  A. By bus. B. By bike. C. On foot.

  3.Joan’ s favorite subject is .

  A. Chinese B. Math C. English

  4.What does Joan do first after dinner

  A. Takes a shower. B. Does her homework. C. Watches TV.

  5.What can we learn about Joan according to the passage

  A. She doesn’t have a healthy habit. B. She has a happy family. C. She likes her busy life.

  Martin has a daughter and she works in New York. Martin wants to go to New York to see her.

  Martin leaves his house at 10 o’clock in the morning and gets to the airport (机场) by bus. “May I see your ID card ” says the worker at the airport. “Where is my ID card ” thinks Martin. “Oh, no!” He doesn’t take his ID card with him.

  He gets into a taxi (出租车). The driver drives quickly and Martin arrives at his house in 20 minutes. He runs into the house and finds his ID card. But when he comes out of his house, the taxi isn’t there! He doesn’t tell the driver to wait (等待).

  After about 15 minutes, Martin gets into another taxi. The driver drives quickly, but Martin is late. The plane to New York leaves at 11:30, and he arrives at 11:40.

  Luckily (幸运地), Martin can take the next plane to New York in the evening. But it is 9 hours before the plane leaves. Martin has to go home to wait. What a day!

  1.What will Martin go to New York to do

  A. To work. B. To meet a friend. C. To see his daughter.

  2.What doesn’t Martin take when he gets to the airport for the first time

  A. His bag. B. His ID card. C. His key.

  3.How does Martin go home for the first time

  A. By taxi. B. By subway. C. By bus.

  4.Martin is late for the plane for .

  A. 5 minutes B. 10 minutes C. 15 minutes

  5.What’s the lucky thing for Martin

  A. One of his friends works at the airport.

  B. There is a plane to New York in the evening.

  C. The taxi driver waits for him for a long time.



  A: Hi, Mary. When do you get up in the morning

  B: At six.

  A: Oh. You get up 1.. I usually get up at seven. So what do you usually do after you get up

  B: I 2. for half an hour. I either run or play basketball. Then I have breakfast at about 7:00.

  A: What do you usually have for breakfast Hamburgers, eggs or bread

  B: I 3. have hamburgers. They are not good for my health. I have some bread and milk.

  A: Oh, I like hamburgers and I think they 4. so good. Do you go to school after breakfast

  B: No, I usually 5. my room. I don’t like a dirty (脏的) room. Then I go to school.

  A: Do you take the bus to school You live 6. from the school.

  B: No. I usually 7. to school. I think it’s good exercise. And it usually takes me half an hour.

  A: I also take my bike to school. But it’s only two kilometers from my home to school. What do you usually do after school

  B: On Monday and Thursday, I go to the music club. I like singing and playing the guitar. I want to be a 8.. On Wednesday, I go to the sports club. I like playing football with my friends there.

  A: How about the weekend What do you usually do

  B: I sometimes go to my uncle’s home. He 9. in a small village. A river is there and a big bridge and a ropeway are over the river.

  A: A ropeway

  B: Yes. Many people are 10. to cross the river by ropeway. They think it’s dangerous (危险的). But I like to take the ropeway. It’s interesting.

  A: Oh, I never see a ropeway.

  B: You can go there with me next time.


  A. 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出适当的选项补全短文 | 有一多余选项,并将选项的编号依次填入题后表格中。

  I am in a new school this term. I’m happy here because I have so many good friends.1.

  My school life is busy but interesting. 2.After breakfast, I walk to school. It is good exercise. I like Thursday, because I have English and art that day. 3. But I don’t like math, because it’s difficult. My classmate Jeremy often helps me with my math. He is really good at it.

  4.After school, I do my homework in the school library. Then I play sports for about an hour with my friends. 5.I usually get home at six.

  On weekends, I go to an art club. It is fun to draw pictures with other kids.

  A. I usually go to bed at half past nine.

  B. We play either soccer or volleyball.

  C. And the two subjects are my favorite.

  D. Every morning, I get up at half past six.

  E. Let me tell you about my school life now.

  F. Our lessons finish at 4 o’clock in the afternoon.

  A. I usually go to bed at half past nine.

  B. We play either soccer or volleyball.

  C. And the two subjects are my favorite.

  D. Every morning, I get up at half past six.

  E. Let me tell you about my school life now.

  F. Our lessons finish at 4 o’clock in the afternoon.


  My friend David is a young man from America. Now he doesn’t live far from the center of Chengdu. His Chinese neighbors (邻居) like him and are always happy to help him when he meets difficulties.

  David works in a school not far from his home. He gets up early in the morning. After a quick breakfast, he rides his bike to school every day. It usually takes him 15 minutes to get to school. He thinks it is good exercise.

  The school is very big, with about 5,000 students. David teaches English at school. He has twelve classes a week. After class he helps to organize (组织) some after-school clubs, like the singing club, the basketball club. He teaches the students to sing English songs and how to play basketball. He thinks they are interesting.

  David also works as a volunteer (志愿者) in the community center. He teaches people English there. He goes there with his friend every Saturday and Sunday and stays there for two hours. Many people like him very much. They are good friends now.

  David likes Chengdu very much. He also likes the food there. He says it’s very happy to live in this city.

  Title: 1. in Chengdu

  David’s neighborhood (街区)

  ● His home is not far from the center of Chengdu.

  ● His neighbors are 2. to him.

  Before work

  ● He gets up early and has a quick breakfast.

  ● He goes to school by bike. It is a 3. from his home.


  ● He teaches students English.

  After work

  ● He also helps organize after-school clubs.

  ● He teaches students to sing and play basketball.

  ● He works as a volunteer in the community | 社区center on the 5..



  提示语:get up; go to school; it takes ... ; class; after school; in the evening

