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  III. Anial prtectin


  Anials are natural resurces that peple have wasted all thrugh ur histr.

  Anials have been illed fr their fur and feathers, fr fd, fr sprt, and sipl because the were in the wa. Thusands f inds f anials have disappeared fr the earth frever. Hundreds re are n the danger list tda. Abut 170 inds in the United States alne are cnsidered in danger.

  Wh shuld peple care? Because we need anials. And because nce the are gne, there will never be an re.

  Anials are re than ust beautiful r interesting. The are re than ust a surce f fd. Ever anial has its place in the balance f nature. Destring ne ind f anials can create an prbles.

  Fr exaple, when farers illed large nubers f haws, the farers’ stres f crn and grain were destred b rats and ice. Wh? Because haws eat rats and ice. With n haws t eep dwn their nubers, the rats and ice ultiplied quicl.

  Lucil, se peple are wring t help save the anials. Se grups raise ne t let peple nw abut the prble. And the tr t get the gvernents t pass laws prtecting anials in danger.

  Quite a few cuntries have passed laws. These laws frbid the illing f an anials r plants n the danger list. Slwl, the nuber f se anials in danger is grwing.


  1. feather n.羽毛,翎毛,箭羽

  2. balance n.平衡

  3. haw n.鹰,隼

  4. ultiple vt.增加,繁殖ultipl ad.多样的`ultiple chice ad.多项选择的

  5. frbid vt.禁止,不许;阻止,妨碍


  1 Anials are iprtant t us ainl because _____.

  A. the give us a surce f fd

  B. the are beautiful and lvel

  C. the eep the balance f nature

  D. the give us a lt f pleasure

  2 What has happened t the anials n the earth?

  A. Hundreds f inds f anials are gne frever.

  B. Man inds f anials have died ut.

  C. Abut 170 inds f anials have disappeared frever.

  D. All inds f anials are in danger.

  3 Wh d peple ill anials?

  A. The ill anials fr sething the need.

  B. The ill anials t raise se ne.

  C. Anials destr their natural resurces.

  D. Anials create an prbles.

  4 Which f the fllwing is NOT true?

  A. Peple care uch abut anials because the need the.

  B. Once a certain ind f anial is gne frever, there will never be an re.

  C. illing all rats and ice a cause se new prbles.

  D. Peple ust nt ill an anials r plants.

  5 What can we cnclude fr the fact that quite a few cuntries have passed laws prtecting anials in danger?

  A. Ever persn will nw the iprtance f prtecting wild anials.

  B. Anials in danger will nt be illed an re.

  C. The nuber f se anials in danger will increase.

  D. Anials in danger will be ept awa fr peple.

  e: 1—5 CAADC
