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  unit 2 heroes单元知识重点短语


  1.因…而文明 : be famous for

  作为…而文明: be famous as

  2.升空 :lift oft

  3.与…脱离:separate from

  4.因为 ,由于:because of

  5.释放: let out sth

  6.探索太空 : explore space

  7.完成任务 : complete a task

  8.表达愿望 : express wishes

  9.成百万的` :millions of

  10.向….挥手: wave to sb

  11.正在做…突然: be doing sth…when

  12.在我看来: in my opinion

  13.获得诺贝尔 : win / receive the nobel peace peize

  14.做演讲 : make a speech /speeches

  15.为…而战 : fight for

  和…一起作战 : fight with

  为…反对…而战 : fight against

  16.充满: be full of

  17.讲述: speak about

  18.回顾 : look back

  19.与…竞赛 : compete against / with

  20.对某人要求严格 : be strict with sb

  对某事要求严格 : be strict in sth

  21.结束 :come to an end

  22.表达对….兴趣 : express a keen interest in

  23.成功的道路 : the road to success

  24.渴望做… : be keen to do

  25.从马上摔下来 : fall from the horse

  26.单独的,靠自己: on one’s own

  27.募捐了很多钱: raise a lot of money

  28.放弃 : give up

  向某人屈服: give in to sb

  29.度过难关: pull through

  30.为…感到抱歉 :fell sorry for…

  31.自杀: commit sui cide

  32.与….相处: get on well with

  33.参加 : get involved with

  34.考虑: think of…

  35.太 : far too

  36.坐牢: in prison

  上大学: at college

  37.取得令人惊奇的进步 make amazing progress

  38.吸引某人的注意力draw attention to….

  39.达到某种程度 come to

  40.因….而钦佩 admire sb for sth
